How to Start an Affirmations Practice

Affirmations are a tool that I use to remind myself of who I am and who I want to be, or to create change and direction in my life. Affirmations are for you if you want to expand who you are as a person, if you find yourself dwelling on the negative, if you are going through a new transition in your life, if you want to gain a new perspective when faced with difficult situations or people, or any other internal growth. 

My Top 10 Affirmations to Start the Day!

  1. Today is a beautiful day

  2. I create my reality

  3. The universe loves me

  4. I am full of strength and love

  5. I share my gifts with the world

  6. I am the energy I want to attract

  7. I treat my body with love and respect

  8. Too blessed to be stressed

  9. My potential is limitless

  10. Breathe in positivity, breathe out doubt

How to practice using affirmations

  • Start by sitting or lying comfortably. Take some deep, grounding breaths to focus yourself before getting started. 

  • When you’re ready, take a deep breath in, and on the exhale, visualize any negative thoughts or emotions physically leaving your body, continue releasing negativity until you feel you have successfully let them go and have created room for positivity.

  • Again, start with a deep breath in, and on the exhale, recite your affirmation. This can be done in your mind or out load, try both to see what works best for you.

  • If images help you, picture the positive energy of your affirmation entering your body on the inhale, filling the space you created earlier when you were releasing negativity.

  • Repeat the same affirmation until you feel you have attracted the positivity you desire, this usually takes at least 10 times for me, but everyone is different and every affirmation is different. Pay attention to your body to feel when you have accomplished what you set out to do.

Important Points

  • Just saying the affirmations is not effective. You need to feel and believe that what you are saying is true (even if it is not true YET), really believe in what you are telling yourself, and you will start to see change taking place. What I have found is, the more emotional you can get and the more grateful you can feel, the more effective your practice will be.

  • This might feel weird, cheesy, fake, etc. at first, but keep practicing and I promise you will not be disappointed. 

You create the person you want to be. You create the future you want. Anything you want can be yours if you put in the work.


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