Menopause is more than just the life altering hot flashes and night sweats. These hormonal changes can also cause mood disruption, including irritability, anxiety, depression and increase difficulties managing stressful situations. Often times insomnia and waking throughout the night become a problem, as well as the concern of unwanted weight gain. We also must address long term health risks that rise with these hormonal changes, including cardiovascular disease, bone health and cognitive decline. Naturopathic medicine is very effective at managing mild to moderate symptoms of menopause and can equip you with the lifestyle recommendations necessary to minimize long-term changes.
Potential Treatment Recommendations
Hormone support through botanical and nutraceuticals, these can be effective for most to minimize disturbing hot flashes and night sweats. A variety of options may be recommended depending on your personal symptoms and the severity
Diet and exercise changes to support your hormones and long term outcomes
This may include working through the Mindset Medicine course for lifestyle change
Stress management, mindfulness and mental health support
Strong focus on sleep regulation when necessary
Targeted treatment for cardiovascular disease, bone health and cognitive decline when necessary
Testing Opportunities
Blood markers we may discuss testing include: CBC, thyroid (TSH), iron (ferritin), vitamin B12, blood sugar (fasting blood glucose, HbA1c), cholesterol (lipid panel), cortisol
Hormone testing is not often needed when menopause is confirmed or strongly suspected, but in rare cases it may be recommended to determine the phase of menopause you are in or risk of hormone related diseases. These may include: FSH, LH, DHEAS, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone