Gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea and constipation are uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms that many individuals will seek naturopathic care to resolve. In our clinic we often see patient’s whose symptoms have been dismissed as normal or labeled as IBS without treatment being offered. This is especially common when a formal diagnosis is not initially determined, such as acid reflux (GERD), infection, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease. 

We help you get to the root of what is causing your symptoms using a thorough initial appointment and potential testing recommendations depending on your symptom picture. 

Potential causes of your symptoms

  • Food sensitivities

  • Low stomach acid

  • Low digestive enzyme production 

  • Low bile production (especially with gall bladder removal)

  • Acid reflux, H. pylori 

  • Gastrointestinal infection (bacterial, viral, worms, parasites) 

  • SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) 

  • Increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut)

  • Low immune response 

  • IBD (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease) 

  • Chronic stress or anxiety (mind-gut connection) 

Testing Options

  • Comprehensive stool testing

  • Microbiome testing S

  • IBO testing

  • IgG Food Sensitivity Testing 

Treatment Options

  • Targeted dietary recommendations 

  •  Identifying dietary triggers or sensitivities 

  •  Treat findings of lab testing (dietary changes, antimicrobials, targeted probiotics, digestive enzymes, bile salts, fibre, colostrum, anti-inflammatories, immune regulation)

  • Gut healing and restoration protocol (specifics for leaky gut) 

  • Stress management, mental health support 

  • Supplements, nutraceuticals, lifestyle recommendations based on your personal health picture