Insomnia: Get a Good Nights Sleep & Ditch Daytime Fatigue
Sleep Hygiene
The very basics: no screens at least one hour before bed. This one is soooo important. Blue light produced by screens affects the bodies physiological cycle that helps us to prepare for sleep. The light enters our eyes and tells our brain that it is still day light out, don’t start producing melatonin yet. Diming your lights and putting away the laptops, phones and TVs for the night will help your body prepare you for sleep. So what to do in that hour before bed?
Get into a bedtime routine
Getting a better sleep can start with a well thought out bedtime routine. The key, is making it relaxing, enjoyable and simple. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Read a book
Take a bath (maybe also adding your favourite essential oil to the water)
Walk in nature
Bedtime yoga or any form of stretching
The power of visualization
Something that I have found to be so amazingly effective that I learned from reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod takes just 1 minute to do. Once you are in bed and ready for sleep, close your eyes and visualize yourself waking up in the morning feeling super refreshed and excited for your day. Really feel it and believe it! And that’s it! I have used this technique sooo many times when I have been nervous about a big day ahead and found myself still awake 3 hours before I needed to wake up, and every time I jumped out of bed feeling extra refreshed and went through my day as normal, even with only 3 hours of sleep! [Note: this technique is not sustainable for regular use. Sleep is important for the body to rest and rejuvenate. This technique is for rare occasions only.]
Bring it back to the breath
So you are laying in bed, and you can’t fall asleep. Maybe you are thinking about your day, maybe you are thinking about tomorrow, maybe you are worrying, maybe you are excited. Either way, you can’t sleep because you are not actually present. To fall asleep, it is so important to be fully present with your intentions to fall asleep. All you have to do to become present is bring your thoughts back to your breath. TIPS:
1. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths in. Hold. And out.
2. As you continue taking deep breaths, move through your body and relax all of your muscles. Let your body ease and feel yourself sink deeper into your bed.
3. Continue focusing on your breath, and as you breath out, picture yourself releasing whatever racing thoughts are keeping you awake
4. Remind yourself that even laying awake will rest your body and prepare you for your day
5. Continue to focus on your breath, this will keep you present in the moment and one with your intentions, and before you know it you will be asleep.
If you find this technique difficult at first and just end up getting frustrated, be kind to yourself, always stay calm and know that today is not the day for this technique. The more you practice, the easier it will become.
If you have moderate insomnia, or insomnia due to mind racing or anxiety, you may benefit from a calming or sedating herbal tea. Some of my favourite herbs to support sleep include chamomile, passion flower, hops, valerian, skullcap and lavender. Before starting an herbal tea, be sure to work with a naturopathic doctor to determine which herbs are best for you.