The Joy of Showing Up Imperfectly

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Hello, and welcome to episode 3 of 5 minute Friday’s, where I will spend 5 minutes discussing a mindset related or lifestyle medicine focused chat. My name is Dr. Amber Knott, I’m a naturopathic doctor and I have a passion for teaching mindset shifts to support you in creating a healthy lifestyle. Today im going to be talking about the joys of showing up imperfectly and my 2 step action method to start showing up for yourself today!

I want to start by sharing that this presentation that you are listening to is an example of me, allowing myself to showing up imperfectly. I have been wanting to share these mindset shifts in a animated or connected format for awhile now, but I have bene shying away from it because of the added pressure including video brings me.  

I have made up so many excuses for why I “couldn’t” get started including camera issues, issues with the way I dress, or my lack of make up. And so I was always waiting until there was a day that I looked nice to do this, and basically that turned into me continually saying… one day I will, but really I just kept waiting and letting myself be consumed by excuses.  So instead, sharing via this voice recording has been such an amazing middle ground for me right now, and eventually I may add some video to make the experience more engaging or I might just leave it as something similar to a podcast, who knows, let me know if you have a preference in the comments and maybe if enough people prefer video it will get my butt into gear. But for now, I am showing up imperfectly and I am very happy that I finally took that first step because I cannot tell you how many people have reached out to me since starting this series to let me know it has helped them, and it makes me so crazy happy you guys to hear that from you and to really feel like I’m serving my purpose in this way and giving back, so thank you if you’re one of the beautiful humans who have given me extra fuel.

I thought of this topic, because right before I released the first episode of this series, I wrote in my planner “its not about making things easier or waiting for the perfect moment, its about showing up for yourself and doing what you know you are meant to be doing.” and this changed everything for me. 

As soon as I let go of the excuses I had made, my focus shifted to: how can I start showing up now? and that is how the idea to do audio only came to me.

Now how can you use this information: You are here because there is likely something in your heart you know you want to be doing, and you are afraid or at the very least, you are resisting, doing it. And all I want you to think about this 2 step action method to help you get started:

1.     The first is giving yourself permission to show up imperfectly, this means taking that first step and trusting that you will grow and evolve from doing something that scares you, and moving closer to the full expression of whatever that is when you are more ready. So my whole rant so far has been teach this concept.

2.     the second is showing yourself, that you show up for you. This means being consistent, when you tell yourself you are going to do something, do it. and eventually you’ll find more and more trust for yourself and all the ways you want to show up in your life. But this all starts with that first time you show up.

Let’s talk about this second part of showing up imperfectly. Showing up takes consistency if you want to make sustainable change. Especially when it comes to health practices, which of course is, always where these 5 minute Fridays leads. If you want to make sustainable changes in your health, it takes consistency with sustainable practices.

So start with whatever level you feel is do-able and sustainable for you right now, and then start showing up consistently to show yourself that you can do this. The more consistent you are, the more faith you will put in yourself and the stronger your belief that the health changes you want are coming. So get it in your planner and consistently show up for yourself.

To summarize, my recommendations here: ask yourself how you can make it easier on yourself to at least get started, and then show up to prove to yourself that you do your best and that you can be consistent.

Alright, I hope this five minute Friday was helpful to you, next week I’m going to talk about how to find your health path and ways to know what is best for you. Thank you so much for joining me, I’ll see you next week!


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